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Open Letter to Google : Why Have You Taken Away my Google & GMail Accounts?

Open Letter to Google : Why Have You Taken Away my Google & GMail Accounts?

UPDATE : Since writing this and contacting some Googlers, my Google account was unblocked at 2 am last night, EST. Thank you Google for the prompt response, although those were some very stressful 15 hours or so.

Google, I am a very lucky American who is living the dream of owning or being a partner in several small businesses. Each of these businesses utilize Google’s GMail and Google Docs, in an effort to cut down on infrastructure costs and keep an open stream of communication between all employees, contractors and clients.

Google GMail Disabled

Since Google has decided to take my account away from me, the nucleus of our company communications has been taken away and now is replaced by a black hole. My small business communications are now ruined until my account is reestablished.

Furthermore, my clients all contact me via email addresses associated with my Google Account. Now, when these clients attempt to contact me, or send over time sensitive documents or reports, these emails are now send to a voided account, and now, since Google has decided to block my Google Account, GMail is now serving this negative message to my clients and business associates :

“Technical details of permanent failure: Account disabled”

Thank you Google, you have shone a most negative light on my business with my clients.

Mobile Google Accounts and Blackberry Synching

Google, you have given me along with many small businesses the means to easily streamline my communications with GMail and Google Accounts, but now you have taken this away with no warning, giving me no time to prepare by downloading my address book or other contact information.

Upon purchasing my Blackberry, I was enthralled to set up my Google Accounts application, which synchs my mobile device with Google Calendar & GMail, alerting me of meetings, calls and opening up my GMail address book to my Blackberry.

The Opening and Closing of Google

Such Google openness led to the ability to manage my business communications on the fly, after or before meetings, on the runway waiting for a plane to take off, or even in the car during heavy traffic. I have been a loyal user and evangelist of Google Accounts and GMail up until this point, now you have taken this away from me and my businesses.

Your Google Docs are marketed with the ability for businesses or individuals to easily collaborate on work and assignments, to work together and share information.

Google Docs

My business bought this philosophy, we were sold on it, but now not only has collaboration been taken away by Google disabling my Google Accounts, but the documents which I did not back up, because of the trust which was established with Google after all of these years.

Google Talk Failure

Furthermore Google, I had fallen for GTalk, the trimmed down and super fast messaging service which almost everyone I know in the business world and in the personal world uses. I use GTalk everyday, for 8 to 12 hours a day, it’s always on, it’s always running. Google has become part of my life. Please give me a lifeline Google, instead of swiping this secure rug from underneath me, my company, my AdSense earnings and Google Analytics.

Google Analytics Failure

Now the joke is on me Google. After being an advocate for cloud computing, networked email and open communications, Google has taken this all away from me. My mistake; trusting Google and not backing up everything I had stored in my Gmail account.

GMail Changed The Game

GMail changed the way we read and store email. After years of being loyal to Yahoo Mail or my PC based mail, I made the switch over to GMail. GMail is the most painless way to store and sift through archived files and emails. Now all of my business emails which were stored on Google are gone. But not only my business emails, but the personal mails I have sent over the years including some of the last written correspondences with lost loved ones and dear friends, now gone, and I do not know if temporary or permanently, because Google has not given me this information.

Google, instead of just blocking my Google Account, please give me a reason. Please tell me why. Or give me a warning.

I am now an innocent victim of Google. My business communications just took a massive blow. Luckily, I do backup my documents offline .. but not every conversation, every conversation I have opened up to Google and trusted them to serve relevant advertising to which keeps my GMail free. Instead, what was once free is now taken from me. As are those writings, those memories, those all important directions, reports, invoices and business communications.

Google, dear Google, Why Have You Taken Away my Google & GMail Accounts?

Category SEO
SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...