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PicSearch : Intuitive Relevant Image Search Engine

Founded by two engineering students at the beginning of this millennium, PicSearch is a multi-language, image search engine that rivals Google’s and Yahoo’s image search service, with a database of more than 1.7 billion images. The engine also indexes video and audio files.

As always, the firm uses patented technology for measuring relevancy and “family-friendliness” of manages. Family-friendliness implies an automatic filter on nudity, pornography and violence. The engine also deploys its own indexer and crawler (Psbot).

Searchers have the feature to search from a huge directory. The resulting images appear as thumbnail and when clicked lead user to the original site.
PicSearch also powers the image search for many popular web portals including
MSN, Lycos and Ask.com.

PicSearch also happens to be the first search engine in the world to go completely carbon neutral (that requires four policies to be strictly followed).

While no engine has the perfect filters to avoid inappropriate imagery, several users find the interface of PicSearch simple and the results very relevant. What is your say?

Category SEO