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Looking for great ad opportunities on social networks other than Facebook? Learn all about the targeting options, ad placements, best practices, and caveats within Pinterest, Snap & TikTok.
Here is the entire transcript of the show (please excuse any transcription errors) :
Loren Baker (00:09):
Everybody. This is Loren Baker. Welcome to the search engine journal show with me today. I have a very special guest longtime friend and industry colleague Akville Defazio. Welcome to the show.
Akville Defazio (00:22):
Hi Loren. Thank you for having me.
Loren Baker (00:24):
It’s such a pleasure to have you here today. Fellow Californian, we were just talking about Paso versus LA in terms of lifestyle and weather and stuff like that. I love getting up there on vacation from time to time. It’s a great area.
Akville Defazio (00:38):
It is very much so, but firstly speaking, we’re just looking forward to getting back down to Soquel where our community is and just a few more opportunities for our little one.
Loren Baker (00:46):
Nice, nice. So I’m on the SEJ show. I don’t just try to cover SEO, right? I try to cover digital marketing that is connected in a way to SEO or SEM, right? So we have SEM, SEO paid search, and then all the other stuff that all the little octopus tentacles that come from that discipline and touch other forms of media. And Aguadilla your specialty is correct me if I’m wrong. Social media advertising, correct?
Akville Defazio (01:16):
That’s correct. Yes. So
Loren Baker (01:18):
Could you go into a little bit about who you are what you do at Oxford ties and yeah, take it from there.
Akville Defazio (01:27):
Sure. Thanks. So I own a small, small social media advertising agency called [inaudible]. We’ve been in business for a little over six years and we primarily work with e-commerce brands, mobile apps, events more so pre COVID and some entertainment industry clients. And we specialize across Facebook ads to Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest trying to get some clients onto Snap and TikTok. But we can talk more about that here.
Loren Baker (01:51):
Absolutely. So we were talking a little bit about this before the show you know, in the world of paid search and SEO really it’s like, I, I don’t see one discipline of internet, internet marketing and digital marketing working on its own. Right. this sounds very cliche, but there’s no siloed discipline in the world of digital everything. There’s touch points all over the place, right? So it’s very rare that someone just goes to Google searches in unbranded term clicks on a site. And then with zero outside, influence decides, Hey, this site’s for me. I’ve never seen it before, but I trust it. I’m going to buy from right. Typically what happens is maybe that person goes and looks at other sites. Maybe they don’t make the purchase decision at the time. Maybe they come back a week later to purchase something. Maybe they leave when they go to Amazon to see what the shipping looks like, if they’re a prime member.
Loren Baker (02:47):
So, but the ability to drive that first time visit into a shopper or a lead or a loyalist of a brand can happen down the road. And a lot of the time it happens where you have the ability to cookie or I guess in the future, I’m not sure if we’re going to have that anymore, but the ability to target the user through their journey as they’re going on to different platforms. And this is where I see social media advertising being so important at the end of the day from an attribution perspective. Right? So what are some of the, when, when you’re running a remarketing campaign what are some of the networks that UC performing the best from a social media advertising perspective and what are some of the untapped opportunities that you’re aware of within those, those markets?
Akville Defazio (03:38):
Great question. Yeah. And to your point, consumers are much more savvy around now, like more often than not people will convert after they’ve had multiple touch points with your brands or different channels, you know, you do get the occasional person that does click on something, maybe an ad, that’s a prospecting ad and they’ll purchase it primarily if it’s a lower cost item, but with other things that might take a longer journey to, you know, build that trust, do some shopping and comparing, maybe go to other websites and see if you could find discounts. The journey does kind of tend to be longer. So for retargeting, we make sure to have a really strong retargeting strategy, targeting different types of audiences with different creatives messaging. I know whether they’re cart abandoners or they’ve engaged with your brand on Facebook or Instagram or other channels to people that might’ve spent a percentage of their time on your site compared to people that might be bouncing a lot for a lot quicker. So there’s a lot of opportunity there. But I will say Facebook and Instagram, even though we were the golden handcuffs with them, that they do still perform best for a lot of our e-commerce clients in terms of retargeting conversions on though for upper funnel prospecting campaigns that are lower in costs. We do see that Pinterest works very well. There.
Loren Baker (04:44):
Let’s talk about Pinterest a little bit, cause that that’s they they’ve been a player for a long time, right. A major long time. And it kind of seems like there’s been a little bit more interest interest in Pinterest over the past year, a year and a half. I don’t know why. Maybe that’s just me thinking that, but anything that’s really changed because when I think of Pinterest, I think of like pictures of tablescapes and maybe recipes and things like that. So how has Pinterest done much to change from a content and targeting perspective? And then how does their ad platform typically differ from other social networks out there?
Akville Defazio (05:22):
Sure. So usage has been growing quite rapidly on Pinterest, especially in the last year. I think with people just being home more, maybe looking for arts and crafts, trying to improve their cooking skills, maybe looking for home projects and ideas to improve their homes. So I know that even looking at like the stock market that people are saying like you should buy and they’re growing very quickly, it might be kind of the next thing, but there’s something to keep an eye on from a consumer standpoint, but also as a marketer advertiser when it comes to their platform compared to something like Facebook or Instagram, they are newer. So their targeting isn’t as robust as what Facebook, Instagram collected from user data over the years. But I don’t know what it is. Like I’ve talked to a lot of other peers and other people on Twitter that work in our industry and it’s, it’s quite challenging to get somebody to purchase on Pinterest, but I think it’s, maybe people go there to look for ideas.
Akville Defazio (06:12):
They might just browse. They might see if they can do something themselves as a DIY option where we’ve just personally found more success in driving people into our funnel at a very low cost and the retargeted them elsewhere. Plus they have fewer ad placements compared to something like Facebook or Instagram combined, combined like Facebook has about a dozen or so ad placements. So they have a lot more ad inventory where Pinterest there’s fewer users, you know, that’s growing and fewer places to advertise, but the costs are still nice and low to get in if you haven’t tried tested that channel out yet.
Loren Baker (06:45):
So it was Pinterest user intense, typically from a browsing perspective. Like they haven’t made that decision to purchase yet, but if they’re browsing, then you can identify them based upon the content that they’re looking at or past due if they’re searching for something.
Akville Defazio (07:02):
Yeah. That’s, what’s interesting about Pinterest it’s that it’s kind of a hybrid search and social tool because you can use keywords, you can target based on keywords and searches. So that is a nice you know, that’s a nice thing that they offered there where you can’t find that on other channels necessarily.
Loren Baker (07:19):
Cool, cool. So Pinterest is very top of funnel. You can hit them later on Facebook and Instagram, but it sounds like Facebook and Instagram are really where you want to get those folks at the end of the day. Like that’s the, that’s the,
Akville Defazio (07:33):
Yeah, but in comparison, like if you hadn’t tested Pinterest before for prospecting upper funnel campaign, we’re seeing about 13 cents per click on a traffic campaign, whereas Facebook or Instagram is a little closer to a dollar. So depending on what your budget is, who you want to target, you, you know, I recommend don’t silo yourself just to one platform, especially since Facebook’s going through a big change right now. There’s a lot of glitches. If you work in ads manager, you might be very familiar that it’s not the most friendly platform to work in. So if something turns off without a valid reason that, you know, you’re not going to be locked out and lose business that day, that you can find other channels to test out maybe at a lower cost like Pinterest.
Loren Baker (08:12):
So what’s going on with ad manager. Like I see people complain, people are complaining on Twitter about ad manager almost more than SEO. Twitter is complaining about zero click and shrimp tails and their sediments. I was crushed. So what’s going on with what’s going on with ad manager.
Akville Defazio (08:29):
It’s always been a little glitchy and since January and Apple announcing all the changes, you know, they’re still going through that whole transition period and Facebook’s fighting them and we’re kind of caught in the crossfire of that, but there’s a lot more things popping up that are showing errors and typically where something might be rejected by their system. You know, in the ad copy or the creative, and it’s not valid because we’ll say, Oh, it’s against the terms of service before your ad would just get rejected. And you could submit for a manual review. However, lately we’ve had this happen. A lot of other people that instead of the ad getting rejected, your whole account gets locked down and we’ve had to submit manual reviews like we’ve had, it’s been so challenging and the reps haven’t been very helpful. And I feel like they’re just distancing themselves from people because of what might happen when this full rollout happens with iOS 14. And we really start to see the implications of it. But like we got on we had two client accounts that were banned for about 48 hours, 72 hours without we’ve seen some other people on Twitter that haven’t had their accounts reinstated for weeks. And if you’re just advertising, they’re like, you’re really, that’s really bad for business. Right. So I feel like a lot of brands are being hurt by this and they’re trying to find other ways to reach their potential customers.
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Loren Baker (09:45):
And then if your Facebook ad manager account gets shut down, I assume then so will Instagram or other Facebook owned channels. Right. So
Akville Defazio (09:54):
Yes. So everything in ads manager will just turn off and you can’t do anything. No, not at all.
Loren Baker (10:02):
That’s not a good thing. So it sounds like diversifying your social media advertising campaign is pretty smart, especially if, for any reason the big golden goose and Facebook gets shut down. Besides Pinterest, are there any other ad opportunities that you’ve been managing campaigns and that you would recommend to expand outside of Facebook?
Akville Defazio (10:28):
Yes. If you, if it works for your, your line of work LinkedIn ads are fantastic. They work very well, but typically more for larger budgets and larger audiences. So if you’re a small business, it might be challenging to get in front of the right viewers there. But organically speaking, it’s still has a lot of organic reach. So if you can start posting there boost a few posts, but if you’re doing LinkedIn I would typically advise against doing text ads, which are those very tiny, minimal ads that you might see in the corner. They tend to perform quite poorly. You don’t really have an option to put too much ad copy in there. You don’t really have much creative design there. They are really inexpensive, but I just, I think it’s better to allocate your budget to something like a sponsored post for your feed, where you’d post something to your business page and then boost it like you would on Facebook.
Akville Defazio (11:14):
And if you do InMail, which is their option to go right into somebody’s inbox, I’ll get a lot of those. And there, they could be super expensive where it might be like 15 to 50, $60 a, an open. So just be sure that you craft your messages very well to that prospect of audience. If it’s going to be a cold email, there are just so many that are like, Hey, buy me, sign this up. And it’s like, well, who are you? Why are you in my inbox? Why should I be connected with you? Like, let’s start like a real relationship, right? Like you wouldn’t come up to somebody at a networking event in person be like, Hey, nice to meet you. Give me your wallet. Right. So it’s like, yeah, like let’s learn about each other first. How could this be beneficial, maybe mutually beneficial.
Akville Defazio (11:54):
But I typically say that for retargeting those work very well, if you craft your message right to that warmer audience to get them to convert. But when it comes to Twitter, I wouldn’t really have some brands do well there, but their targeting options, aren’t that great. It’s, it’s difficult to convert somebody if you’re doing an awareness play by all means run some Twitter ads at a low cost. But other than that, I would probably stick to other channels. And then, you know, you were talking about snap and tick talk before you hopped on here. And if you have a younger demographic and you have some really great visual content, test those out because there’s still a lot of opportunity there. It’s not maxed out. So you can jump right in.
Loren Baker (12:32):
I think most of the Tik TOK videos I see are people that are sharing Tik TOK onto the face. I was an early adopter. I was actually an early adopter of Tik TOK when it was musically. And it was more so for kids, right. Actually they got in trouble for that. I don’t know we should be talking, but, but it wasn’t an app built for kids to do lip sinking to music, or at least grew amongst like the community of miners out there. And my kid wanted to get into it and we set it up and then deleted it. And then like, maybe like six months later, I hear that it’s, tick-tock now. Right. And it’s becoming so, so I’m happy to share that I’m an early adopter. No, no, no, no times, no time. Soon. last week on the SEJ show we had on Jackie Chu, Uber and we were talking about app store optimization.
Loren Baker (13:18):
And one thing I thought was really interesting, especially on I believe when the Apple and the Google play side is the hybrid component of utilizing paid ads within the platforms and paid media to boost the downloads and ratings to rank organically within those platforms. Right? the ability to the ability to accelerate the adoption of your app and show those quality metrics, which then the app stores and Google play utilized to with the organic algorithm. So one question I have for you is that when you’re advertising on LinkedIn, how important is it for you to have an established and stable, updated organic profile for your company or the executives of the, of your company or, or people that are integrated into your overall campaign?
Akville Defazio (14:10):
I think it’s very important because sometimes if you’re reaching out to new audiences and, you know, naturally we’re curious about things, so we may click on their account, we might check out what they’re about, how active they are. I know personally speaking that if I were to click on something and they haven’t posted anything in a while, I might wonder like, how active are they? If I have a customer service question, if I do become a customer, what’s that going to look like if I run into an issue you know, how in tune are they with their industry or their customer base. So I feel like that’s an important component to use to compliment your other you know, your holistic marketing strategy, whether it comes to organic or paid or across different mediums.
Loren Baker (14:48):
So it’s almost like a social proof component, right? Hey, I saw this advertisement. Let’s check out the company. Oh, they haven’t posted anything for three years. Oh, they have every one on their employee page no longer works there anymore. So yeah.
Akville Defazio (15:02):
Is it as an employee too? It’s also important to, you know, hopefully you’re excited about where you work and you’ll naturally want to share things. I know that when I used to work in house for a variety of companies and we had something exciting going on, whether it was in the news that might be related to us or internally as a company I would encourage the staff when I worked more on the organic social side of things that I would even compose posts like, Hey, like here’s, can you share this to make it easier for you? If you believe in this, maybe change something, just so it sounds more authentic to you, but I feel like we should share our successes, maybe challenges that we’ve overcome, and that gets people hyped up internally. It can get us more motivated, but it also looks really good on the outside to people that might be interested in what you have to offer, whether it’s products or services. And I feel like that’s a, that’s naturally a winning element to your, your brand.
Loren Baker (15:50):
Nice, nice. Yeah, I agree. It’s great to motivate people that are within the company to share accordingly, and then you can monitor people who don’t share and you can see how happy they are.
Akville Defazio (16:01):
So what do we, what are you not telling us about where you work and, you know, should I become a customer?
Loren Baker (16:07):
Well, and the interesting thing about LinkedIn too, is we were talking about this a little bit before we jumped on is I’ve done audits the past couple of years of the social media traffic that’s come the search engine journal, and we’re obviously to B2B publication, right? So out of all of the social media traffic that came from LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, then maybe one other, maybe Google plus at the time or something like that. Maybe Pinterest. So out of all the social media traffic that came to the site LinkedIn had the most value. So LinkedIn visitors all be them less than Facebook and Twitter downloaded. More often, they signed up to the email newsletter more often, they were more interested in eBooks and webinars and things like that. Then traffic from Facebook, then traffic from Twitter, Twitter was a close second. However really interesting.
Loren Baker (17:03):
I kind of see Twitter as a hybrid between B2B and B2C. So that kinda makes sense. And then Facebook, we had the most traffic, but not necessarily the most targeted. And then a lot of that may also have to do with the amount of news that we publish. That’s about maybe not what to do with this specific item in terms of Google search marketing or SEO, but about Google itself or Instagram itself or something like that. But I found it really interesting that LinkedIn, I think LinkedIn has an issue with their inbox. Like when I think of LinkedIn or most people when to talk to most people about LinkedIn, they’re like, well, that’s a spamming, it’s too spammy. I don’t like going there at all. I don’t, I don’t, people are pitching me before I even accepted their invitation to connect. Right. So but I, I kind of see that as exciting because in the same way that I, you know, search has become all Google and I’m excited about what’s happening with, with being growing with duck, duck go with other yes, I believe it was launched by, was it Salesforce or another company, but all of these new search engines that are launching right now, they may not take off.
Loren Baker (18:09):
And there’s always been like the anticipation of Apple possibly launching their own, but all of their own. And then I think about that on the social media side too, we’ve been so Facebook centering for the past couple of years, the ability to grow in new platforms sounds pretty amazing. So point being, is that in addition to we, we, we, we talk about Pinterest and snap and even LinkedIn as being alternatives, but it’s really like Microsoft and Pinterest and snap technologies. Right. So is there anything else that’s growing right now? Cause it seems to be like, I saw that Microsoft was acquiring gosh, what’s, what’s the the chat app for gamers.
Akville Defazio (18:54):
Loren Baker (18:55):
Oh my gosh.
Akville Defazio (18:59):
Oh, I don’t know so much last year,
Loren Baker (19:01):
You know, when the comments, let me know Microsoft, what’s a Twitch, choir’s no discord discord
Akville Defazio (19:12):
Loren Baker (19:14):
This court. So there’s a lot of there’s a lot of secondary Twitter style discord, and then there’s like political oriented ones and other like it seems like there’s a lot of, a lot of niche, social communities that are popping up. Have you, have you been aware or tested any of the marketing options within those communities or do you even know if they’re available?
Akville Defazio (19:37):
No, not yet. I am curious as to what is going to happen with more audio type of apps that are coming out or features that a lot of other companies are taking on, like, you know, Twitter launched I was at spaces and then there’s clubhouse, which is the predominant one. So, you know, it’s early on, there’s hype, of course, a lot of people jumped in, but it’ll be interesting to see what advertising opportunities will come across there. And maybe we’ll see, you know, Spotify might be a good place to start trying to advertise as a, to kind of get into the audio space. I was not quite a social channel, but there’s some social components of it that, you know, cross shares into other social platforms. But I think it’s a good time for us to get out of our comfort zones. And like you were saying with LinkedIn, like maybe people are just higher quality prospects there because you know, with Facebook and Instagram is just so saturated in our day to day that maybe we do come to LinkedIn with a more intense or more intentions to actually learn something or connect with people, except for the people that are really abusing it with the sales process.
Loren Baker (20:36):
I feel like when I’m on LinkedIn, I feel like I’ve gone into a social media time machine back 10 years because I’ll post something, I’ll post something and I’ll get like a hundred likes. I posted something about SEM rush or SEMrush going public yesterday, shared a picture and there’s already like 300 likes and engagements on it. And like it’s blowing up and I’m like, wow, like this is just like Twitter used to be, this is how Facebook used to be. So there’s that component of LinkedIn. I like, I know. Right. I know. So always looking for the next big thing. What about outside of social media advertising? Cause I know Facebook had their publisher network or do they still have it like, are there expansions outside of the social tools themselves that are part of that are part of this whole engagement typically with, when you’re working on a client campaign?
Akville Defazio (21:29):
Yeah. There’s also the audience network within Facebook super low volume, but they don’t really give you insights into what types of sites or apps are in that network. We typically keep it on for most clients just because the volume is very low and once in a while we’ll get a conversion at a super low cost. So it’s like, Oh, you know, just keep it running in the background. Then there’s WhatsApp. I feel like maybe that has room to expand more just because it’s part of their network, but I hate to say this, but like, you know, so part of the whole Facebook ecosystem, but Instagram is still growing and I’m, I’m willing to bet that they’re probably going to launch more ad placements because they need more ad inventory there, particularly with LGTV getting more popular compared to the first launch of it where they’re like, Oh, it’s going to be YouTube ad killer or YouTube killer. And that totally flawed because that was about the same week that they launched stories. But then we’ve probably we’ll see maybe some ads and reels. So keep an eye out there too. I do hope some other channels pop up and maybe grow a little bit quicker just so we’re not stuck to Facebook and Instagram and have a healthier balance across different channels.
Loren Baker (22:31):
I think it’s no secret that when any innovative app launches, the larger companies tend to replicate that success and then bring it in-house right. So this all started kind of started with Apple. Like the iPhones first came out, the flashlight app was like the most popular app in the app store. Apple made an update where they have their own built-in flashlight app and just killed whoever owned that app. Right. So go ahead.
Akville Defazio (23:00):
Yeah. I was just going to say, like, I remember listening to a podcast and with Facebook and other platforms that they’re like, Oh, we’re either going to try to acquire you. And if you say, no, we’re going to replicate and kill you.
Loren Baker (23:09):
Right. Exactly. So that’s to an extent it’s kind of happening right now with, well, I know Instagram kind of borrowed the tic-tac idea and integrated that in the reels. And then also we talked about Twitter spaces and clubhouse. So have you, have you attended many Twitter space oriented conversations and how would you compare those to clubhouse? Because I signed up the clubhouse just to grab my, my username and that was it. So I’m really a novice when it comes to either of these, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on, on both different if you had had a chance to attend all of those really smart conversations.
Akville Defazio (23:50):
Unfortunately not too many. It’s been hard to juggle a child and a a business during the pandemic with limited childcare. So I’m like I really have to choose my time carefully. Though in the evenings I do pop into clubhouse just to tune in for a little bit. I do like the ease of the app that you can just join and leave and find different types of conversations based on your interests. And with Twitter spaces I’ve popped in once for a few minutes, but I don’t know if I can share too much of the difference. I think it’s just which platform you prefer and maybe what types of conversations you’re looking to join or maybe even start your own room and invite some people to it, but it could be a good awareness tool for what you’re talking about, what your Arabic is for teases. Maybe get some, you know, social media PR out of it. And just to grow your network.
Loren Baker (24:35):
The interesting thing is, and I think you just kind of brought this up. Like you have the ability within clubhouse or within Twitter just to start something, right? Like, like how many, like you can start a page within Facebook, but it’s a little bit difficult to start something where you have an audience, like almost automatically where they can jump in. And it’s a really big opportunity on that side. And then also speaking of the pandemic the more and more I read on like how people’s day to day has changed. So for example podcast downloads have dropped significantly because people are no longer driving or for the past year have not been commuting into work, right. Were listening to a podcast during that hour commute or 30 minute commute or three hour commute is, is, is, is a nice way to learn.
Loren Baker (25:22):
It’s a nice way to relax, decompress, et cetera, et cetera. Also going to the gym, right. People typically go to the gym and do a podcast if you’re not listening to music or something just to, to enjoy the time a little bit more and to, to, to multitask. So do you, do you feel like based upon what you’re seeing with things opening up again and then clubhouse launching? Right. So all of the podcast listens went down and the clubhouse launches and suddenly audio is a big thing again. Do you see, where do you see this going? Like as things open up right as the vaccines are, are out there as restaurants, as, as workplaces open up again, at least maybe half the week or something you think there’s going to be an increase in, in, in audio social or audio podcasts and downloads or left, to be honest.
Akville Defazio (26:09):
Right. I feel like it will go up, but it might be a slow curve up just because I feel like people will want to go to places they’ve missed to see people. So they might be more focused on just the in-person human interaction. Those are driving back to the office. Like, I feel like that’s a good opportunity to get back into podcasting. And but with summer right around the corner, I feel like maybe we’ll see a slow increase for that. And then maybe in the fall, once things, you know, we’re maybe more accustomed to being big being back out in the public, the weather gets colder, then we’ll probably see an uptick again. I don’t know. We’ll see. Hopefully see. Yeah, it’s
Loren Baker (26:44):
An exciting time. It’s an exciting time. All things considered. We have a couple of minutes left. One question I wanted to ask you is someone’s running a Facebook campaign right now say they’re like passively running a Facebook ad campaign. What are three things they should look at in terms of bettering their return on ad spend or overall engagement around their, their ad campaign? What are the three simple things they can stop
Akville Defazio (27:09):
Three simple things. Okay. So first thing, if you haven’t done so yet verify your domain, get your conversion event set up and then add the conversions API, which is the server side tracking, not just your pixel based. So step one, because if you don’t have those, you can’t optimize for certain conversions like a purchase. Once I was fully rolls out. So do that first second thing, test different variables, whether it’s different audiences, whether it’s different ad copy or images or videos that can help you see what works or what doesn’t with a particular audience. So use those metrics like the video views of how long they’ve watched the video for, or the click through rate. If you’re trying to send people to your website and then figure out what type of content works best for those different audiences and just make sure that you have a funnel setup. So if you have a prospecting campaign to reach new people spend about 75% of your budget there and the rest of it for retargeting and get people down the funnel and make sure that everything is seamless and intuitive for those users in those different audiences and their familiarity with you to take that action that you want them to take.
Loren Baker (28:09):
Amazing. I had no idea that you can track conversion of the server side and not just utilizing the third-party pixels.
Akville Defazio (28:16):
Yeah. That’s new and definitely want to do that.
Loren Baker (28:19):
That’s great. Also I would imagine that having that on the server, doesn’t slow down the site as much by having all of these pixels in third parties and all over the place, right?
Akville Defazio (28:29):
Yeah. It, it does not. It shouldn’t the file size is very small, so you shouldn’t know, notice any site loading time issues.
Loren Baker (28:36):
Cool. So I’m dropping a couple of links right now in, in the comments. And I apologize, I, I spelled your first name wrong in the first comment
Akville Defazio (28:46):
People miss phoning,
Loren Baker (28:47):
Which happens all the time. It always drives me crazy. So I just wanted to be proactive and apologize for that, but then also your Twitter, where else can people find you online and learn more about what’s going on in the world of social media advertising and what updates they should be making right now to get a better return on their ad, spend
Akville Defazio (29:06):
Most of it on Twitter, but you can find me@advertise.com or on LinkedIn just by searching my name.
Loren Baker (29:12):
Okay. Amazing. Thank you so much. I’m really excited to hear that you’re moving back down or at least moving to the Southern California area. It’s great timing because I do miss all the little meetups and things like that, that we’ve had in the area over the past couple of years. So in terms of the community, I know a lot of the folks that you socialize with in your community of folks as well. So really excited to hear that. And yeah, it’s been a pleasure. I’m also sharing your LinkedIn right now for all of the live viewers who were on. And then again for any of you that are listening to the podcast, you can find act Villa, just search for her name [inaudible] on, and you’ll find your Twitter, LinkedIn, and also advertise.com. I feel it’s been a pleasure.
Speaker 3 (30:01):
Thank you, Lauren. [inaudible].