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Pro-Obama Hillary Clinton ‘1984’ Video Posted on YouTube

Pro-Obama Hillary Clinton ‘1984’ Video Posted on YouTube

Someone has posted an anti-Hillary version of the famous 1984 Apple Super Bowl commercial on YouTube which ends with the message : “On Jan. 14, the Democratic primary will begin. And you’ll see why 2008 won’t be like 1984”.

This message is followed by a mocked Apple symbol, which is now an O – with “BarackObama.com” underneath.

The video has been viewed over 240,000 times on YouTube, Google’s social video sharing property, and the Obama camp denies affiliation with the video. As both of the Democratic and Republican Primaries heat up (yes, they’re both going to get dirty), we’re going to see more of this surrogate mudslinging on the online front.

In terms of SEO, I’m surprised that the user only entered the title as ‘1984’. Yes, that’s a bit more powerful than a title with Hillary Clinton in the subject, but a search for “Hillary Clinton” on YouTube or Google Video does not show this video in their results.

Popularity and blogging however, can be more powerful in a Search 2.0 world as we can see via Google Video Blog Buzz.

Hillary Clinton 1984 BlogBuzz

Google Video Blog Buzz, a Technorati style blog popularity measurement for Google Video, shows 156 blogs linking to or embedding the Hillary 1984 video and lists the video as the second most popular in its list. As the campaign gets closer to elections, expect the Blog Buzz list to be primarily election oriented videos.

Category Social Media
SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...