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RankFixer.com Enters the SEO Tools Market

RankFixer.com Enters the SEO Tools Market

Personally, I have been in the SEO game for 8 years. In my short time in this field I have come across very few people that inspire my SEO theory and challenge the way I practice. A little under 6 months ago I met Jeff at a Seattle SEO Network event. Quickly I understood that Jeff was this type of person. Jeff Sliger told us stories of a new SEO tool that his team was building, RankFixer.com.

When he was describing the tool kit he mentioned said, “Think SEOmoz tools for the person just getting into SEO.” The seo tool industry is dominated by players like SEOmoz, Raven Tools, and SEO Power suite (just to name a few). These tools require a robust understanding of the industry and have a steep learning curve.

Picture this. Let’s say you’re the marketing director at a small company with 15 employees. Your boss comes up to you and pronounces you the new director of SEO. Your thought is, “Eh…..SEO?…What’s that”. RankFixer supplies the needed information in an easy to understand format that will allow this person to exceed in their new role as the director of SEO.

RankFixer Tools and Features

Easy to understand analysis – Once the tool produces results it also displays easy to understand descriptions of what the numbers mean:


Content Analysis – The content analysis shows the on page elements that are critical to SEO. Each element is paired with educational copy regarding why the elements are critical to SEO.

Link Analysis: The link analysis section pulls data from the OpenSite explorer API (among other APIs) presents it in an easy to digest manner.

Document Details: A technical analysis would not be complete without a review of the document. Response time, file sizes, document and content types, scripting language, and other elements are displayed in the review.

SEO Troubleshooting: Sometimes it’s the things that we can’t see that prevent web pages form ranking on search engines. This tool checks the pages 404 headers, Canonical & dynamic URI’s, and Session ID’s

In Summary

You can find all of this information in the other enterprise level tool kits. But these tools cost at least a few hundred per month to use. RankFixer focuses on the main critical points of SEO and offers the information at under $40 per month. There is also a free trail offer so you can test it out.

Dollar for dollar, feature for feature, my opinion is that this is one of the most powerful SEO tools aimed at the beginner optimizer. Hat’s off to Jeff and his team at Aseopro.com for putting this tool set together


Category Tools
Gabriel Gervelis Gervelis Search Marketing

Gabriel Gervelis is the owner of Gervelis Search Marketing. You can find him on Twitter – @seo_pro,