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Ringtones Search Engine RingBits Powered by Google

Ringtones Search Engine RingBits Powered by Google

Looking for Ringtones for your cell phone so you can look cool in front of your friends and also annoy everyone eating in the restaurant? Well, sowere the people at RingBit.com. They were looking so hard from site to site looking for Ringtones that they got the bright idea to simply use Google licensed technology to search the web for Ringtones and a monster was born.

According to RingBits, since launching their service their servers have been cranking with Ringtones search queries. Search results are provided by Google with search filters centered around specific Ringtones download sites. RingBits is also serving Google AdSense advertising to monetize their service.

Brad Hill reports “This is a good idea, a little surprising that nobody has done it sooner. (Maybe somebody has, but this is the first dedicated ringtone engine I’m aware of. Helpfully, RingBits contains a directory of music genres.”

Category SEO
SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...