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Search Engine Blogroll Suggestions?

Search Engine Blogroll Suggestions?

One of highlights of the Search Engine Strategies Conference was gathering reader feedback and constructive criticism of Search Engine Journal, our content, advertising structure, commenting, links and blogroll. Beyond the amazement that most (maybe everyone in the industry I spoke with except for Chris Pirillo) people I ran into at Search Engine Strategies are regular readers and subscribers, I also had the chance to run an exclusive on Yahoo Search Marketing’s new Panama platform and set up some future story ideas while I’m hashing away at others.

While putting together a list of the feedback, testimonials and criticism I’ve received about Search Engine Journal, I figure that an efficient method to gather info on some of the search blogs that Search Engine Journal misses on our Blogroll would be to ask the readers to suggest some of their favorite blogs in the comment box below.

And yes, if you do have any criticism or constructive feedback on this blog (as we’re moving in a rather exciting direction over the next 3 months) please take the time to post below also. The underlying beauty of the Search Engine community is its transparency among blogs, ideas, thoughts and at times even companies.

Thank you.

Category SEO
SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...