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Search Engine News Review- Sun May 13, 2007

Technorati Ranking Metric: Hot or Not?
Technorati recently made a few changes in functionality and features to their blog search engine/directory. One change is to their blog ranking metric.

Using SearchEngineJournal.com’s rank as an example, previously Technorati might have said “387 links from X blogs”. Now it says “387”. The total number of links from other blogs is still present, which in this case is 18,479, at the time of writing. However, my observation, at least on my own low-traffic websites is that X does not usually equal 18,479. If I recall correctly, X would be larger in most cases.

That means that the new metric is a downgrade, in my opinion, because it gives less information than before. As a data junkie, I like more information. What do you think?

10% Of Web Pages Are Malicious?
The BBC News site reports that one in ten web pages that Google looked at during their regular indexing process contained malicious code capable of “drive-by downloads”, which are amongst the nastiest of malware trends.

To Infinity and Beyond: Google Acquisitions
As I mentioned in Friday’s News Review, Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt says that they’re open to more acquiring more businesses. Allen Stern at Center Networks points out that Schmidt also said, “Google buys a start-up once every few days, or around one a week.” If you’ll recall, Schmidt says that Google’s purchases are for filling holes in their portfolio. The question, then, is what is their intended portfolio? When you play in the online market, pretty much any business could be purchased and the spin doctors claim that it’s part of the portfolio. If Google intends to “index the world’s information”, then that portfolio will continue to grow to infinity and beyond.

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