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See Your Impact, The Non-Profit Rand Fishkin Supports is Amazing

See Your Impact, The Non-Profit Rand Fishkin Supports is Amazing

We contacted Rand Fishkin (@Randfish) CEO of SEOmoz, about the non-profit he supports and I personally found the organization very inspiring. Please read on and learn more about it.

Also, Rand is currently at SMX Advanced so if you get a chance try to meet him. He is an outstanding guy.

See Your Impact – What They Do

See Your Impact helps make recurring donations more scalable, accessible and rewarding for those who give. It’s a platform that’s been highly successful in helping donors feel connected to the people they help, and likewise, gives a voice and a record to those who receive and use the donations.

How did you get introduced to them?

Their CEO and founder, Digvijay, was connected to me through several other folks in the Seattle startup world.

Why you are passionate about this particular cause, and this organization specifically?

I love scalability. I love how technology can improve the impact that an organization or an idea will have by leveraging the power of the web’s reach.

Hence, SeeYourImpact is a great fit for me – it’s not specific to any one cause, but about making the web work to power communication by people who should be talking – those who donate and those who receive assistance.

How do you support them?

We’ve donated some corporately and I have personally as well, but these are relatively small. Much of our help has been through contributing on their advisory board, on their website and helping them build better performing channels, particularly with social media.

What’s the best way for others to get involved?

Just visit their site – www.seeyourimpact.org – find a story that speaks to you, and sign up. It’s powerful to see how fast you can make a difference for lives around the world.

I Took Rand’s Advice…

I checked out See Your Impact and learned some very interesting things about the organization that I really liked:

  • 100% of the donations for to the gift you select.
  • The gift options are broad: Put a child through school for a month, buy a girl a month of computer training, buy food, provide vitamins, buy mosquito nets, give 50 children the chance to see a doctor…
  • Contributors get to see how their donations have helped others.
  • There are many inspirational stories about the people that have been helped by the contributions.

I want to thank Rand for taking the time to answer our questions and also for introducing us to such a fantastic organization.

Category SEO
Melissa Fach SEOAware

Melissa is a Sr SEO Analyst at Cox Enterprises, a marketing consultant and the owner of SEO Aware, LLC. Melissa ...