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SEJ Live: Purna Virji on Voice Search

SEJ Live: Purna Virji on Voice Search

We’ve got another SEJ Live session for you! This week, #SEJLive was joined by Purna Virji to talk about the past, present, and future of voice search. Purna also shared some resources to help you dive deep into the world of voice search. Below is her live session and the topics she covered.

Watch more SEJ Live Sessions by following our Facebook page or viewing past sessions.

Purna Virji, Microsoft

Purna answered questions from the SEJ community on voice search. She appeared LIVE on our Facebook page:

Questions Purna Answered About Voice Search on Facebook Live:

  • How big will voice search become in 2017?
  • What’s the best way to prepare for voice search?
  • How is voice search going to impact SEO?
  • How do we optimize for voice search?
  • How big will voice search be in two to five years?
  • Are there any commercial or non-user voice search apps?
  • By when do you predict almost all households will have a voice-activated assistant?
  • Will voice search balance paid and organic results?
  • Will security issues slow adoption of voice search?
  • What’s the change that you’ve been most excited to see in the past year in voice search? What are you most excited to see double up in the coming year?
  • How do you think voice will affect conversion rates?
  • What are the one or two things SEOs need to do differently for voice versus text search?

Resources Purna Mentioned in Her Facebook Live Session:

To learn more from Purna, check out our interview with her on how voice is changing the way we search.

Catch Purna as one of our keynote speaker at the SEJ Summit 2017 in Chicago! She’ll be exploring conversions in a landing page-less world and how new technology is changing the way we buy. Register now to reserve your slot and come join us. We hope to see you there!

Image Credits

Featured image made by author on Canva, using Facebook Live event cover photo

Category Mobile SEO
Rina Caballar Editorial Assistant at Search Engine Journal

Rina is the Editorial Assistant for Search Engine Journal. She assists the SEJ team with the editorial process and also ...