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SEJ Live: Rhea Drysdale on Understanding Your Brand’s Reputation

SEJ Live: Rhea Drysdale on Understanding Your Brand’s Reputation

Brands know that the conversation with active and potential customers starts — and likely ends — with reputation. Rhea Drysdale joined #SEJLive this week to talk about understanding your brand’s reputation through reputation marketing.

Rhea also gave examples of companies doing reputation marketing right and shared advice on how teams can work together to build a good reputation for their company. Her session involved a lively and interactive discussion so I recommend watching the video below to check out the topics she covered.

Watch more SEJ Live Sessions by following our Facebook page or viewing past sessions.

Rhea Drysdale, Outspoken Media

Rhea answered questions from the SEJ community about reputation marketing. She appeared LIVE on our Facebook page:

Questions Rhea Answered About Reputation Marketing:

  • What is reputation marketing? What’s the difference between reputation management and reputation marketing?
  • How is reputation marketing similar/different from brand management?
  • How can you measure a brand’s reputation?
  • Are reputation marketing strategies/principles the same for all industries or should there be different approaches depending on the product/service?
  • Do reviews matter in reputation marketing? Is it ethical to pay or incentivize people to write good reviews? How should I handle bad reviews from reputable review sites?
  • What reputation marketing tools do you recommend?
  • Who do you think leads a reputation marketing initiative?
  • What campaigns or incentive plans can you run to involve your employees in brand building?
  • What is the most important website a marketer should care about to build a good reputation in terms of SEO?
  • Have you ever paid to have negative reviews removed or do you primarily go towards trying to de-optimize?

Tools Rhea Mentioned on Her Facebook Live Session:

Catch Rhea as one of our speakers at the SEJ Summit 2017 in Chicago! She’ll provide actionable steps and real life examples of how to apply reputation marketing to accelerate digital growth, especially in the areas of outreach, content strategy, social marketing, and organic performance. 

Register now to reserve your slot and come join us. We can’t wait to see you there!

Image Credits

Featured image made by author on Canva, using Facebook Live event cover photo

Rina Caballar Editorial Assistant at Search Engine Journal

Rina is the Editorial Assistant for Search Engine Journal. She assists the SEJ team with the editorial process and also ...