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SEO & Content Strategy for Established Publications [Podcast]


Welcome to this episode of the Search Engine Journal, featuring our guest Alli Berry. Alli is the SEO Director at The Motley Fool, a private financial and investing advice company based in Alexandria, Virginia. She leads and develops the key SEO initiatives on fool.com, including short-term and long-term SEO goals and objectives with measurable performance results.

Throughout her career, Alli has helped businesses in various industries, including finance, education, retail, automotive, and healthcare, develop a content strategy to grow their acquisition funnel through organic search.

Join us as Loren and Alli talk everything from content strategy, evergreen and news content, backlinks, syndication, brand reputation and so much more.

[0:01] – [1:15] – Alli’s background and focus

[5:03] – [5:34] – Getting into the financial side

[6:47] – Working for agencies: SEO and content marketing

[9:49] – [10:19] – Focusing differently on evergreen content vs. news content

[11:54] – Do you prioritize based upon any authority or board signals?

[16:09] – Dealing from a cannibalization perspective

[20:22] – Is there anything that you change to the content when you’re making transitions?

[21:58] – How important is E-A-T to your overall content strategy, and how do you integrate it into your overall strategy?

[23:09] – [25:04] Reviewing The Motley Fool and reputation management

[28:21] – Challenge in working with contractors

[31:07] – Redirecting and cleanups

[35:04] – Advice on how to keep topics more engaging for the audience

[38:06] – [39:15] As an established website, what is your backlink and syndication strategy?

[40:05] – What is the hardest task or most difficult task that you deal with from an SEO perspective?

Until next time….

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