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Social People-Search Site PeekYou Gets a Boost

peek-you.gifSocial peeking site PeekYou gets even better with the release of its beta 2.0 version. The newly refurbished people-search engine introduces new features such as advanced set of tools, cleaner design, speedy profile editing, and a user-friendly navigation experience.

To give you a brief background about PeekYou and what it does, the official FAQ states:

PeekYou is a new kind of online white pages. A PeekYou profile helps other people find your websites, social-networking pages, photos, or anything else about you online. You can also create a profile for friends or relatives to ensure that they may also be easily found online.

PeekYou was launched sometime in July and it currently claims around 50,000 plus member profiles. Being a social site, each members can edit links and tags associated with other registered members (which I think is vulnerable to malicious abuse).

I was trying out a couple of searches in PeekYou and found the tool pretty fast and simple to use. And like other social networking site, the facility to add links to member profiles could be useful for doing SEO work on members’ blogs and websites. But this would of course depend on how popular the social people-search portal would become.

In the meantime, give it a try, do some social peeking at people you know, search for names of your friends, and see how visible they are online.

Aside: I tried peeking at the name “Loren Baker” and got a couple of hits. Unfortunately none of them was SEJ’s Loren Baker.

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Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...