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Steve Ballmer Talks Microsoft & Yahoo with WashingtonPost

Steve Ballmer Talks Microsoft & Yahoo with WashingtonPost

Steve Ballmer stopped in the WashingtonPost offices for hat seems to be a breakfast sitdown with their editors to discuss Microsoft, Search, the Internet, Media, Profiling and Behavioral Targeting and also Microsoft’s dealings with Yahoo.

In the conversation Ballmer discusses the importance of search as a glue which brings together the aspects of online advertising and multimedia, acknowledges that Microsoft was late to the game in paid search, and discusses how he thinks Microsoft and Yahoo could work together.

Steve Ballmer Microsoft

Video of the conversation is available on WashingtonPost.com and for Ballmer’s thoughts on media and Yahoo click the Ballmer on the Future of Advertising video.

We made an offer; there clearly was a bid-ask difference. We offered less than they wanted. We did move on. We’ve had some discussions subsequent to that. We have not re-engaged in the discussions about the acquisition of the whole company. We are discussing other forms of strategic cooperation. That’s 100 percent accurate.

Wow, Ballmer is a really animated guy and excited about the company he leads and its future, pumping his fists numerous times and punching his palms to amplify different points … he’s really a enjoyment to watch.

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SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...