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Test and Analyze On-Page Links with LinkSidebar

Test and Analyze On-Page Links with LinkSidebar

LinkSidebar is a useful FireFox addon that allows to view, search and test hyperlinks in a web page.

Let’s give it a test drive, shall we?

It took me a few minutes to figure out how to actually open the sidebar after the installation. It turned out I should have used the shortcut key [Ctrl+Shift+L] or the view menu (View->Sidebar->Links).

LinkSidebar allows the user to:

  • See all hyperlinks in the current web page, including any hyperlinks inside frames;
  • See the total number of hyperlinks in the current webpage.

Link sidebar

Clicking on each link in the sidebar will open the page in a new tab.

You can customize the columns to show the anchor text of each link, its URL and domain:


You can search a handy SEARCH option to filter on-page links by a keyword:


Two handy advanced search operators are supported:

  • You can use quotes to find the exact phrase.
  • You can use a minus (-) sign before any word to exclude links containing that word from the results.

For example, to search for all the links to youtube videos except videos of cats, type “youtube -cats” in the search box.

Further on, you can select links in the list (to select many links hold CTRL and click the links you want to select) to be able to:

  1. Highlight them on the page;
  2. Test them:

Link sidebar

To summarize, the addon allows to:

  • Search the links in the current webpage (to find / filter links by a keyword in the URL path and anchor text);
  • Select multiple links to open in tabs or copy locations for all selected links;
  • Test links in the webpage, filtering out unwanted links with quick and easy searches;
  • Highlight selected link on a page.
Category Tools
Ann Smarty Brand amd Community Manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas

Ann Smarty is the blogger and community manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas. Ann’s expertise in blogging and tools serve as ...