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Test Your Site Usability with Loop11

Test Your Site Usability with Loop11

Loop11 is a user-experience testing tool: it allows anyone to conduct user testing on any kind of the web interface. What’s more, it is completely free (but in private beta: you will have to send the request to register but as far as I understood everyone is invited to).

The process is really simple – it allows to create a test in 5 quick steps:

  1. First, name your new test;
  2. Then add tasks or questions – this is the most important part as far as you might have guessed. Ask the participants to rate your site usability and / or to find some design element and let you know how quickly they were able to do that;
  3. Add your test options (how many participants you want to have, your thank-you message and the URL to redirect to on completion), etc;
  4. Invite participants (create a link or a pop-up or purchase participants from online panels an companies.
  5. Now, launch it!

To test the tool I have created one very basic test consisting of one task and one question related to seosmarty.com:

  • Question: rate the blog usability (from 1 to 10);
  • Task: find the contact page (correct answers were My Profile and Contact Us pages).

I then tweeted the test link and asked a few friends to take it.

As the result, I got pretty good success rate: most people found Contact-us page but there were also a few who clicked My-Profile link:


The overall blog usability was rated in very different ways:

Loop11 answers

Surely, my test was somewhat basic and limited but in any case gives you an idea of what you can do with the tool. Also, check out for more usability tools.

The tool was reviewed under SEJ policy.

Category Tools
Ann Smarty Brand amd Community Manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas

Ann Smarty is the blogger and community manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas. Ann’s expertise in blogging and tools serve as ...