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Thanksgiving Eve’s Coolest Black Friday Graphics

Here's some of the coolest Thanksgiving and Black Friday media, banners n such, we could find on the eve of Thanksgiving. Here's wishing you the best.

Thanksgiving Eve’s Coolest Black Friday Graphics

Sometime late tomorrow, after the football games and a billion pounds of turkey get consumed, 300 million people will once again start the holiday season. Later in the day, while mom and mom-in-law pillage the Thanksgiving Day sales,  dad and dad-in-law will nap on the couch, eyelids fluttering in between TV shows and insulin induced sleep. The vision is a familiar one for you, I know.

Black Friday 2012

But some, you and I for instance, may well venture online to see what’s shaking in social media, on YouTube, Apple TV or iTunes even. With this vision in mind, I thought of running across the coolest Thanksgiving and Black Friday media, you know, banners n such. Just a thought, to cover something no one else may have. To this end, here’s some interesting, funny, even wild online holiday cheer.

Okay, not the most gripping graphic of the season, Toys ”R” Us is manage to make some retro looking smile twisters for the Facebook profile. The Black Friday Sweepstakes shows our old pal Mr. Giraffe putting on the Ritz.

Toys-R-Us Black Friday SweepstakesToys-R-Us Black Friday Sweepstakes on Facebook

Okay, I feel bad. I did not even know Radio Shack was still in business. Surfing about looking for cool Black Friday banners, there it was! Must be the 4.4 million soldering irons sold, or all those transistors, diodes, and circuit-boards  that kept the former Tandy Corporation standby in business. All kidding aside, Radio Shack turned a serious profit last year, so my fears are unfounded apparently. The Black Friday banner below is from their official pages for same.

Radio Shack Black Friday banne

By far the most ingenious graphics (if disturbing for shopaholics) come from BuyNothing.org, the organization dedicated to making sane all Americans intent on trampling one another to death in front of Walmart and Target. Far out, huh? Maybe you’ll give “unshopping” a shot this year?

Buy nothing graphics profess nothing

Back to more cheerful and traditional Thanksgiving glee, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is a wonderful memory from my childhood (we even had color TV). Skyscraper tall Popeye, Mickey Mouse, Goofy, and Puff the Magic Dragon, even Deputy Dog back in the day, these parades truly do signal and reveal the best that is the holiday season in America. The Macy’s banner below is genuinely festive, and their Black Friday sales, no less enticing than other American traditions.

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade banner

A one day shopping event from the Apple Store is not something I personally want to miss. I won’t say what we are buying, but it starts with Bose. Their ad page gripped me with gripping green color. Oh, the Disney Creativity Studio Smart Stylus is another cool gadget I know my 4 year old will love. Do I sound to sales-manlike ? I just own Apple stuff, shoot me.

The Apple Store One Day Sale

Speaking of Walt’s wonderful characters, including the Disney Store, their graphics reflect the smiles and color in the cheeks of millions of kids every Christmas morning. Whoever is not somehow touched by good ole Goofy… Yes, they have deals too, only called Magical Friday Deals.

Magical Friday Deals from Disney

Finally. The video ad from Cabela’s below is rating “T” for Teen, as there are scenes with blood and violence. Of the commercials so far, this is the one that cracked me the most. Enjoy, and to all of you we wish you the best Thanksgiving ever tomorrow.

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Phil Butler Partner at Pamil Visions PR

Phil Butler is theEditor at Everything PR, Argophilia Travel News,  and Senior Partner at Pamil Visions PR. He’s a widely ...