Ben Yoskovitz of the Instigator Blog made a guest post over a CopyBlogger about the 5 types of links webmasters should be using properly, besides the click here and SEO anchor text links.
What are they?
- Sales Links: Sales links are used when driving people to buy something or go down a specific path.
- Really Helpful Resource Links: You could argue that every link is helpful in its own way, but Really Helpful Resource links are those that you use to provide your audience with additional, in-depth information.
- Friendly Links: As much as I recommend that you break out and discover new blogs, we all exist within our own communities.
- Notice Me! Links: Bloggers spend a lot of time trying to get other bloggers’ attention. If you’re not, you should.
- Internal Links: You should link to your own blog posts on a regular basis. Most SEO specialists will tell you that it can help raise the value of the pages you’re linking to.
And what’s the bottom line? Ben sumarizes :
You should link to other blogs. And yours. Often. Understand the type of link and the purpose behind it, and decide at that point what the anchor text should be.
Sounds like words of wisdom to me!