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The Google Translate Song (Oh Yeah, It’s Viral)

It’s not often that two of my great passions intersect, but that’s precisely what they’ve done with a recent viral video. This YouTube release, dubbed the “Google Translate Song,” combines the joys of search engine technologies and music in a bizarre song that will get stuck in your head – practically guaranteed.

Here’s the video.

The Google Translate Song is one of the most viewed videos in Taiwan right now. Surprisingly, it’s coming in the middle of a broad phenomenon in Eastern Asia, where individuals or groups are using the Google Translate video to create everything from song spoofs to movie scene reenactments. This song, however, surpasses them all in popularity. It has reached a half million views already, and was released just a couple weeks ago. Beyond the Google Translate voices and video being used for the primariy audio/visual elements of this piece, the song features piano accompaniment by Wiwi Kuan.

This song can now be added to several other videos that have featured Google Translation, including the infamous German “Google Translate Beatbox,” the Demo Slam video where a full meal is ordered in Hindi, and the April Fools’ video demonstrating the “Google Translate for Animals” app.

[via the Official Google Blog]


Category SEO
Rob D Young

Rob has been insatiably obsessed with Google, search engine technology, and the trends of the web-based world since he began ...