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The Lazy Man’s Internet: Why Online Videos Reign Supreme

The internet; never happy with what it’s got and always on the lookout for something bigger, better and more complex.

Whether you are new to this ever-changing industry or an old croc still pulling hair out trying to keep on top of trends, one thing must be understood; technology will never stop trying to outdo itself. If it’s not SEO updates, then its advances in Social Media, however one thing that has proven itself over recent years is the introduction of online video.

The Slight Rant:

As a writer, I love to read, so when I come across a blog, the more text the better. I also love a good image to compliment that text. So when I do click on a link and an unfamiliar voice blares out my Logitech speakers, I am often surprised how online video has continues to be a roaring success.

Obviously this boils down to one thing; supply and demand. Many people don’t want to sit through a mass of words scrolling down to discover the purpose of an opinion, idea, or revelation. If anything, the internet has meant people have become, dare I say, just a little bit lazy when it comes to, well, anything.

If a plumber is needed; Google provides the answer, if a birthday present has been forgotten; Amazon can promise next day delivery. Without the internet, the world would turn into mayhem and people would have to rely on themselves.

The Plus Point Of Online Videos:

Of course, online videos are providing people with what they need; instant gratification. Starting out as a reason to watch people make fools of themselves,  online video is proving itself as a serious contender in the world of SEO and web design.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not opposed to short cuts and online videos are one that I am more than happy to admit I use. With so much at your fingertips thanks to the World Wide Web, it’s very difficult to avoid being sucked into the latest technology (even if you don’t entirely wish to be).

I think the success of online videos and its growing popularity is due to the fact it is literally everywhere. If you want a video tutorial on how to install WordPress or need to see the latest episode of your favourite sitcom, it can now be done instantly. Diversity is the beauty and appeal of online videos and with faster internet connections, there is now no excuse for websites to not jump on the bandwagon.

Online videos no longer involve someone sitting in front of a webcam in their bedroom, recording their latest opinion on Britney Spears. High class videos that have been prepped and scripted are now the focus of many business plans and the more people get involved in promoting themselves in a viral way, the more ways they can find of connecting with like minded people.

So What Do Videos Achieve Compared To Other Medias?

1. Audience Connection:  people like to associate an opinion or idea with a face. Although we are in the 21st Century, many people like good, old fashioned one to one connection, and although broadcast globally, ironically people appreciate this more than a blob of text.

2. Appropriate Tone: If you are expressing an opinion, this can often be picked up in the tone of a piece of writing. However, when that tone is misunderstood, these are moments you wish you’d done it in video. Allowing people to physically hear what you mean can work wonders compared to if it were to be in black and white, and may result getting the response you wanted rather than having to clarify what you really meant.

3. Real Time Explanations: Images can say a thousand words, but one thing they also cause is confusion. Screen shots don’t always make the user a happy bunny, especially when shots are missed out. Videos solve this problem and software now available can make it easier for people to follow as they watch, playing and pausing as they please.

The Advancements:

Videos are an obvious product for companies to invest in because there has been such an interest from web users. The rise in social media and networking on the web has seen a massive increase in the demand for businesses and the general public to know information via video rather than text based media.

This has meant that Search Engine Optimisation has adapted and opened even more opportunities for people to search, find and expose videos across the web. Just like images can be found, video optimisation is fast becoming the newest way to get online exposure, with the help of social media outlets.

Avid online video users can also subscribe to weekly videos to keep on top of latest news of their favourite companies just like normally text blogs. Of course in-keeping with everything that is Search Engines there are now ways to better video optimisation such as ensuring thumbnails are present and embedding them in such a way that allows Google to know they are present and reward effectively.

Online videos show no signs of slowing down yet; even the most prestigious bloggers are getting on board, and why wouldn’t they?

In  conclusion, yes; video can be an excuse to not go and read up on projects yourself, but on the other hand it also opens up windows to express yourself in a more refreshing and personal format.

With many reputable blogs now narrowing the ratio of video blogs to written text, it’s no wonder people prefer to log on, turn the volume up and sit back. Me however, I’ll be sticking to that traditional method of reading.

Category SEO
Jenny Pilley Internet Marketing

Jenny Pilley is head of the Content Writing team at Creare who specialise in SEO, web design, ecommerce, internet marketing, ...