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Top Search Queries in Google Webmaster Tools

Google’s Webmaster Tools’ top search queries just got better with the expansion of its time  coverage, top query percentage and search data upload via CSV format.

From the previous 7 days historical data reporting of search queries, the webmasters tools now reports historical search data as far back as six months ago. This means you’ll get a pretty view of which keywords gives significant amount of hits and page visits to your sites. You can see snapshots of top search queries on a monthly, bimonthly or quarterly basis. Unfortunately, the system might be having some bug though as top search queries for my personal blog is not showing any statistics yet.

Another improvement of the top search queries is the inclusion of top query percentages. Each query is ranked in relation to the other top ranking queries. Previously, webmaster tools just ranks query results and click and did not analyze each query in relation to the other top queries.

And lastly, you can now download this top query data in to CSV format just like the other useful webmaster data.

These three enhancements of the Google webmaster tools’ reporting system would indeed be very useful for SEO work, as it gives valuable information regarding relevance of keywords used in your blogs or websites and whether those keywords are actually driving traffic to your sites/blogs.

Category SEO Tools
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Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...