Adds 15,000 Blogs to News Index
Topix yesterday added 15,000 ‘top’ bogs to their index via integration of blog posts into their 30,000 local feeds and 300,000 subject feeds. If you search now, blogs should be indexed in the search results.
Seems that the folks at Topix have been struggling with the “Are Blogs News?” question before adding the blogs to the index. Rich Skrenta,’s CEO, fiddles with this question on the Blog. We recommend reading the entire piece, but here’s an excerpt:
There’s been a lot of talk about whether bloggers are journalists. At Topix, we can ask a slightly different question — Are blog posts news?
Others are doing a great job of providing relevant keyword search against blogs. But our mission is to discover the news within the sea of blog posts, and report them by location and subject. What we’re releasing today is our first step in connecting our readers to 15,000 more voices talking about the topics they care about.
While Memeorandum and Digg are approaching the same problem, we needed a solution that would scale to our 300,000 newsfeeds.