In case you are wondering what a “Tweet Chat” is, here is a quick definition:
A Twitter tweet chat is a pre-arranged chat that happens on Twitter through the use of Twitter updates (called tweets) that include a predefined hashtag (#) to link those tweets together in a virtual conversation.
They are actually a great way for many people to discuss a per-determined topic all in real time. Tweet chats can also be archived as a permanent resource. But how does one go about putting together a tweet chat for business purposes?
The Whole Brain Group has put together a handy “Tweet Chat Checklist for Businesses” in infographic style which should provide you all the basic information you need to successfully set up one of these chats. And the benefits? With a little planning, a Tweet Chat demonstrates thought leadership in your industry, can promote your overall marketing message, will drive traffic to your website, and even help you engage directly with your customer base. Besides that, it is a great way to network and meet new people that have the same interests as you.
With no further ado, here is the checklist. You can also download a larger PFD version here.