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Upcoming Webinars – Week of 12/9

Get out your calenders, time to jot down a webinar or two. Here’s what you are looking at this week:

Introduction to Keyword Research

December 7th, 11am EST
Presenter: WordTracker
Cost: Free
Description: We would like to invite you to a completely free webinar to guide you through the process of effective keyword research with Wordtracker’s Keywords tool, giving you an overview of the tools and a clear method of how to find keywords that can be useful for your business, whether for organic SEO or for AdWords campaigns.
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Top Website Design Trends for 2012

December 8th, 10:30 am PST
Presenter: Richard Sharp
Cost: Free
Description: As 2011 draws to a close and you prepare for your 2012 web marketing strategy, there’s no better time to evaluate your organization’s most powerful marketing tool: your website. Layout, graphics and navigation can have a monumental effect on your marketing ROI, but do you know which website design trends can engage your visitors and help you meet your business goals?
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The Science of SEO

December 8th, 3:00 pm EST
Presenter: Dan Zarrella
Cost: Free
Description: This webinar will teach you exactly that. Using extensive qualitative and quantitative data, this webinar will be full of data and science you haven’t seen before, even if you’ve been around the search marketing world for a while.
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Content for Local Sites & Local Search

December 15th, 10:30 am (pst)
Presenter: SEOMoz Webinars
Cost: Free for pro members – sign up for your free trial here.
Description: For many websites targeting local searches and local intent, content development is a challenge. For those at scale, it’s hard to develop unique, value-add content that won’t be flagged as “duplicate” or “thin.” For small businesses, it’s hard enough simply getting a website up, nevermind the challenge of posting regular updates or adding the content – you’ve got a business to run! In this webinar, Rand will walk through solutions for both and how to avoid the pitfalls that can drag down locally-targeted content.

How To Revamp Your Business With High Converting Webinars That Run On Autopilot

December 14th, 3:00 PM – 4:15 PM EST
Presenter: Talor Zamir
Cost: Free
Description: What you’re “Webinar Funnel” should look like, and where to send your “cold” traffic to maximize registration and attendance… – How to pre-record and automate your Webinars to get maximum results while only having to record your Webinar 1 time!
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Category SEO
Laura Cruz Freelance Writer | Consultant at Laura Cruz Speaks

Laura Cruz is a freelance writer, speaker and online marketing consultant. She has been in the affiliate marketing world for ...