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Webshots Adds Video Sharing

Webshots, which is one of the preferred photo storage and sharing destinations for millions of bloggers and MySpace members, has just gone video. While I don’t see them dethroning YouTube, they will serve millions of video impressions and advertisements. Quite a smart move by Webshots which already enjoys an active and vibrant user community.

Now you can upload and share videos and photos in the same album, keeping all your memories in one place.

Before you get started, check out our two informative videos featuring Thom Campbell, U.S. Media Manager for Intel, our sponsor for the video launch.

How-To Share Videos shows you how to take videos and share them with your friends and family on Webshots.

Video-Sharing Tips gives you Thom’s top three tips for sharing your personal videos using Webshots.

After getting some good tips on uploading and sharing videos from Thom, you’re ready to do it yourself. Simply click on the upload tab on any Webshots page and create a new album. Be sure to tag it with key words related to your video’s subject, too.

While we’re open to any type of content—such as silly pet tricks or an awesome sports moment—please limit your videos to five minutes or less for free members and 10 minutes or less for premium members, and follow our guidelines.

Marshall Kirkpatrick at TechCrunch adds:

Adding video to Webshots could be a smart move if Webshots can bring something unique to the market. I’m not sure large play and higher quality is going to speak to users as much as the large community of YouTube or the privacy controls and file integrity of Multiply. Webshots may be suffering, but it’s far from dead yet.

Category SEO
SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...