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Weekly Marketing Webinar Round Up

Weekly Marketing Webinar Round Up

There are some excellent Webinars coming up through out the week. SeachEngineJournal.com will be bringing you a weekly update of webinars that might interest you SEO aficionados out there. So sign up for the ones that interest you and learn what you can from each.

Here’s what you are looking at for the first week of December:

How a Niche Marketing Created His Success

December 1st, 3:00 pm – 5:00 PM EST

Presenter: Shawn Casey

Cost: Free

Description: Shawn Casey – who’s earned millions online with niche marketing, including Local Niche Marketing – wants to personally train and coach you on how it’s REALLY done…

This Thursday December 1st, he’s offering his personal coaching, plus his “magnum opus”, three training programs on how he made millions, for Free to SearchEngineJournal.com Readers.

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How To Create a Virtual Signing Bonus for your Book

December 1st, 2:00 PM – 3:40 PM EST

Presenter: Jim Kukral

Cost: Free

Description: You will learn how Jim did it step-by-step, including other tips and strategies for effective book marketing and sales. The truth is that book marketing starts at book conception. The time to start is now. Learn the effective strategies you need to sell more books today.

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Be Social

December 2, at 11:30 AM EST

Presenter: David Kerpen Likeable

Cost: Free

Description: Attend as a casual observer and watch candidly, behind the scenes, as we interview David. The secret to successful word-of-mouth marketing on the social web is easy: be likeable.Likeable Social Media provides 18 strategies for creating an authentic “brand personality”.

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Future Proofing your SEO

December 6th, 10:30 (pst)

Presenter: Dr. Pete

Cost: Free to SEOMoz Pro, if you don’t have an account. Sign up for a free trial here

Description: Future-proofing your SEO means not only understanding Google’s recent changes, but what the algo’s history tells us about how Google think. In this webinar, Dr. Pete will teach you how to approach SEO proactively and prevent getting bitten by next year’s Panda.

HubSpot – The Science of SEO

December 8th , 3 PM EST

Presenter: Dan Zarrella

Cost: Free

Description: This webinar will teach you exactly that. Using extensive qualitative and quantitative data, this webinar will be full of data and science you haven’t seen before, even if you’ve been around the search marketing world for a while.

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Category SEO
Laura Cruz Freelance Writer | Consultant at Laura Cruz Speaks

Laura Cruz is a freelance writer, speaker and online marketing consultant. She has been in the affiliate marketing world for ...