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Weekly Webinars and Upcoming Events 10/3/2012

Weekly Webinars and Upcoming Events 10/3/2012

viewbixWhat could you teach someone else? Last weekend, I attended a seminar outside of the Internet Marketing world. There was a speaker there that spoke on a simple aspect of marketing online. While everyone else sat in amazement, I just kept thinking to myself “I could be teaching this!”

I realize that sometimes you just have to get up and do something! I want to encourage you this week to get out of your comfort zone. Host a webinar, speak at a meet up outside of your normal circle, share some of your knowledge! As always, if you put on a webinar, send it over! Have a good one!

Critical Keys to Effective Mobile Landing Pages

October 4, 2 p.m. EST
Presenter: Rekha Baliga
Cost: Free

Description: Atmio, a company that provides FREE mobile landing pages, will discuss how to get started with mobile landing pages. They’ll also focus on advanced tips like how to increase conversions through A/B testing, day parting, and location/device-based targeting.


The Business of UnAwesome: How to Avoid the Flipside of Awesome Business

October 9, 1 p.m. EST
Presenter: Scott Stratten
Cost: Free

Which marketing strategies and trends are disasters in disguise?
How to establish trusting relationships with your customers?
Ways to drive awesome business to your site?
How you can win a free copy of Scott Stratten’s latest book!


The Social Habit 2012—How Americans Really Use Social Media

October 11, 12 p.m. EST
Presenter: Tom Webster
Cost: $129

Description: Having trouble keeping up with the ever-changing world of social media? Let us get you up to speed with the latest research on social media platforms and behaviors. Join us as we walk through some actionable insights and recommendations.


Q&A with Rand Fishkin and Dharmesh Shah

Oct 11, 1 p.m. EST
Presenter: Rand Fishkin, CEO of SEOmoz, and Dharmesh Shah, CTO of HubSpot.
Cost: Free

Description: If you have SEO questions that you have been waiting to pose to some real experts, now is your moment.
Rand Fishkin, CEO of SEOmoz, and Dharmesh Shah, CTO of HubSpot, will join us in a Q&A-only webinar during which they will answer questions from the audience. Prepare your toughest questions and get ready to receive actionable advice from two of the world’s greatest SEO experts.


Pitfalls to Avoid in a Post Penguin & Panda World

October 11, 2 p.m. EST
Presenter: Mike Huber, Vertical Measures
Cost: Free

Description: Mike will walk us through steps to take in order to recover from the changes in Google’s algorithm with the release of Panda and Penguin earlier this year. After this webinar, you’ll be equipped to face the changes happening in the SEO world and be better able to react with tangible steps to recover your website’s ranking.


Upcoming Industry Conferences

Oct. 7-10
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
More Info

Oct. 9-10
Chicago, IL
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Conversion Conference
Oct. 9-10
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
More Info

Oct. 13-18
Las Vegas, NV
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Oct. 15-19
Las Vegas, NV
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Category SEO
Laura Cruz Freelance Writer | Consultant at Laura Cruz Speaks

Laura Cruz is a freelance writer, speaker and online marketing consultant. She has been in the affiliate marketing world for ...