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Weekly Webinars and Upcoming Events 8/01/12

Weekly Webinars and Upcoming Events 8/01/12

BoostCTR.comWho has a webinar they’d like to feature on SearchEngineJournal? If it’s you, make sure to contact me with the info in my bio. If not, I hope you enjoy some of the webinars listed below. Have a good one and keep learning!

Webinar Pitch Secrets

August 2nd, 1 pm est
Presenter: Jason Fladlien and Wilson Mattos
Cost: Free
Description: Give me almost anyone – I don’t care how poor they are at presenting or even speaking coherently…with these webinar pitch secrets you’re going to learn on this training, I could take that person and turn them into a webinar blackbelt, high converting pitch person in no time flat.
Register Here

iPub Shortcuts: Double, Triple, Even Quadruple your Ebook and Publishing Sales with the iBookstore

August 6th, 8 pm est
Presenter: Deborah Drum
Cost: Free
Description: Want An Easy Way to Increase Your Book Sales?
Publishing in the iBookstore is a great way to make passive income and increase your sales.
On this webinar you will discover how you can literally double, triple or even quadruple your monthly book sales just by publishing to Apple’s iBooks platform.

How to Master LinkedIn for Marketing

Aug 8th, 2 pm EST
Presenter: Hubspot
Cost: Free
Description: LinkedIn is 277% better for lead generation than other social networks. Wow! If your marketing runs on lead generation, you’ve got to be using LinkedIn to its fullest potential.

Discover How to Harness the Secrets of LinkedIn

August 14th, 1 pm EST
Presenter: Dan Sherman
Cost: Free
Description: With over 160 million business professionals, LinkedIn has all the customers you could ever wish for. Never in the history of marketing have business owners, sales professionals, entrepreneurs and anyone looking to influence others have such power at their fingertips.
So how do you engage people, turn them into clients and drive revenues and profits for your business from those you meet on LinkedIn? You will learn how in this free webinar by internationally renowned LinkedIn trainer Dan Sherman, author of “Maximum Success with LinkedIn.”

5 Steps to Establishing an Effective Sales & Marketing Methodology

August 16th, 1pm est
Presenter: Hub Spot
Cost: Free
Description: Companies with strong sales and marketing alignment achieve higher revenue growth than those with weak sales and marketing ties. So how do you build a methodology that supports such an alignment?
Join us in this free webinar to learn how you can establish an effective alignment between your sales and marketing departments. Linda Crawford, SVP & GM of Sales Cloud at salesforce.com, and Mike Volpe, HubSpot’s CMO, will walk you through the five steps of building a sales and marketing powerhouse. The two leaders will share lessons based on established internal practices as well as analytical insights from both HubSpot and data.com.

Power of Pinning: How to Use Pinterest for Your Business to Get Traffic and Customers

This is a reply webinar – I thought worth mentioning
Presenter: Melanie Duncan
Cost: Free
Description: Join me on my webinar and I’ll teach you how I’m getting thousands of new visitors and thousands of dollars in sales each month by properly using Pinterest to market my businesses.
I am an international, award winning speaker on How to Use Pinterest for Business and am giving away training in this webinar that I normally charge hundreds of dollars for FREE!
Watch Now

Upcoming Industry Conferences:

BlogHer 12
Aug 2nd-4th
New York, NY
More Info

SES San Francisco
Aug 13th-17th
San Francisco, CA
More Info

Category SEO
Laura Cruz Freelance Writer | Consultant at Laura Cruz Speaks

Laura Cruz is a freelance writer, speaker and online marketing consultant. She has been in the affiliate marketing world for ...