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Welcome to the Social Community for Search Marketers

and who is MBL, DIGG and what-not anyway? 

The MyBlogLog hype is pretty much over by now it is also not everything as peachy with them as it used to be. The issues with the security holes that were uncovered and the banning of the user from the Network that uncovered them, privacy issues about data collected without the users knowledge etc. etc.

The second issue is that MyBlogLog is not really structured. Communities are all over and people stumble across your community without knowing anything about it and just befriend you to , well befriend you. Nothing more.

The feature that you can see messages that are hot in your communities was nice, but I rarely used it. It was too much inconsistent.  We do not need to talk about the issues with Digg anymore. Yes, they don’t like SEO and if they don’t ban and unban the whole site, they just bury all your stories regardless of the topic and the quality of the post and who submit it.

The search marketing community is not alone with those issues. It’s cousin affiliate marketing had the same or similar issues with the same communities. We got earlier this year our own community, just for affiliate marketers which is MyBlogLog and Digg combined in one site, all the gadgets too and then some.

Yeah, it actually became a real community and guess what, nobody has a problem with marketers, because it is a marketers community. The community site is called BUMPZee and it was developed by Scott Jangro and partners as a response to the problems with those other social media sites. He was forward thinking by designing the whole site from the start to allow the addition of new communities that are for the most part separated from each other.

Just a week or so ago did he launched the BUMPZee community, kind of a fan community if you will. It was created primarily for test purposes although BUMPZee gained already quite a following of fans that evangelize and promote the service free of charge and without getting benefits or compensation (Affiliate marketers working for free without getting paid a commission, no CPA, CPC or revenue share. Do you believe that? I mean affiliates are NOT a lot of things that some  people associate with  it, but hey, it’s about the money for a big part of it. Trust me on that.).

Scott decided to take the community portal to the next level and launched the SEM/SEO community. So for all your search marketing folks that like the idea of Digg (for your own sites) and MyBlogLog with its widgets that show who was visiting your blog or your site, come on over and check out the SEO/SEM  Community at BUMPZee.

Create a profile, submit your Blog to be included (Yeah , you don’t have to submit posts to show up on the BUMPZee site, the voting widget is only to BUMP it up a notch ;)). If you don’t have a blog yourself, no problem, you will have one automatically with your BUMPZee account.

No pressure to write something all the time. Write a post if you feel like it and it will show up among all the other post from outside SEO/SEM blogs or other BUMPZee users that posted within the community.

You can also comment at BUMPZee to any post, but as a difference to Digg, can you also see how much comments where posted at the blog itself. So it is easy to find out where the discussion is happening, at the blog or at the BUMPZee community or at both  places with each having its own spin. You can also see which stories are currently discussed the most and the most recent comments. This helps to see where a hot debate just broke out without missing out of it.

List of all BUMPZee Communities

List of Blogs listed at the SEO/SEM community 

Recent posts at the SEO/SEM community

People of the SEO/SEM community

Top Tags used for posts at the SEO/SEM community (I forgot to mention that in the main post. Yeas, you can tag things, but isn’t that web 2.0 standard anyway? 😉 )

See you at BUMPZee.

Carsten Cumbrowski
Affiliate Marketer and Entrepreneur. Visit my BUMPZee profile and say hello or get some marketing resources at Cumbrowski.com

Category Social Media
Carsten Cumbrowski

Carsten Cumbrowski has years of experience in Affiliate Marketing and knows both sides of the business as the Affiliate and ...