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William Hung Rocks The Ask Jeeves Party

William Hung Rocks The Ask Jeeves Party

William Hung Rocks The Ask Jeeves Party

Although Ask Jeeves has kept a low profile during the Search Engine Strategies Conference to date, they did put on one killer party Monday night at New York’s Aer Lounge, a dark-hipster secret lounge establishment well settled in New York’s Meat Packing District. The Ask Jeeves party was invite only and the crowd may have peaked at 150 at one time, especially between 10 and 11 pm, when American Idol cult figure William Hung was scheduled to show up.

Some faces from the Search Engine Industry could be seen floating in and out of the place, including Greg Sterling of The Kelsey Group, Danny Sullivan of, and Hollis Thomases of and ClickZ (who was tearing up the dance floor). One thing that did seem to be missing from the whole party however was an Ask Jeeves presence.

There were no signs, no hosts, and no dancing butlers. There were however free Tequila Tonics and Heinekens which somehow found there way from behind the bar and into my hands, with the help of some friendly bartenders. One odd addition to the party, besides William, were these two underdeveloped and incredibly skinny go-go dancers who were taking turns dancing on the corner stands in the rear room of the Aer Lounge. I noticed some guys in the corner slipping them one dollar bills, I would have preferred to slip them a sandwich or perhaps some Ensure.

Maybe the guys at SEOInc hired all of the available dancers and booth babes for the week (more on that to come in time).

Just as the clock struck midnight the lights dimmed and William Hung, the Hong Kong Ricky Martin, humbly entered the room with his entourage of his managers (William’s mom and dad) and his producers (wearing lots of gold and straight up Run DMC style jump suits). William banged out about four tunes including “She Bangs” and some surprising romantic love songs. I was lucky enough to get a chance to speak with William, who at the ripe age of 22 has taken a break from his university studies and is pursuing his incredibly busy entertainment career.

I hope to run into some Ask Jeeves representatives today or tomorrow and get the lowdown on their recent acquisition of BlogLines and other related search industry news. In the meantime, I’ll be posting some pics of William Hung and myself while trying to get rid of this hangover before tonight’s Yahoo party.


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SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...