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WordPress SEO for Enterprise: Top Tips & Best Practices [Podcast]


Many large organizations already know it to be true: WordPress is a great CMS solution.

So what do enterprises need to know about WordPress SEO to be successful?

Shelly Fagin, Director of Growth Marketing & SEO for Credit Karma, joins Loren Baker to discuss how enterprise sites can best use WordPress.

For WordPress to function smoothly, transparency, communication, and acknowledging wins are vital.

This podcast is for you if you want to stay ahead of the curve, need to be flexible, and need to make quick adjustments. That’s what WordPress is known for.

I think WordPress has not stopped growing, and they’re definitely going to be around for a long time, so it’s a worthwhile investment –Shelly Fagin, 57:11

Don’t be afraid to invest in your hosting. It’s like the foundation of your site. It is so critical, and they are going to be your best friends if something ever happens. –Shelly Fagin, 55:44

WordPress is really only as great as what you put on top of it, so your theme and foundations are really important. –Shelly Fagin, 20:02

[00:00] – A little about Shelly.
[08:39] – The typical relationship between devs and SEO professionals.
[09:05] – Tips on building trust with the development team.
[15:50] – The approach to getting SEO features included in the website.
[19:24] – Common myths around WordPress.
[20:41] – What Shelly thinks about breadcrumbs.
[24:45] – How it was when Gutenberg rolled out.
[28:50] – Is WordPress as secure as other enterprise CMS solutions?
[29:41] – Considerations when you’re using third-party plugins.
[30:40] – What Shelly runs on the website enterprise level.
[33:47] – WordPress vs. Wix, is there a competition?
[37:37] – How important is Schema?
[40:39] – Should SEO professionals be learning the ins and outs of WordPress a little more?
[42:19] – An area where there is a shortage of SEO professionals.
[49:25] – Shelly’s major requirements when looking for a web host.
[51:41] – Where you can start learning specialized WordPress SEO.

A lot of SEOs feel like they bang their heads against the wall dealing with developers and big teams. But they, your dev teams, need to feel heard. –Shelly Fagin, 06:25

Please explore WordPress SEO and get experience as much as you can. There are so many really great brands and companies that need you. –Shelly Fagin, 43:20

It’s better to give a solution than just identify it. –Loren Baker, 49:00

For more content like this, subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/searchenginejournal


Resources mentioned in the episode:

WP Command Line: https://wp-cli.org/
WordPress SEO Guide: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/wordpress-seo/
VIP & Parse.ly announcement on VentureBeat

Connect with Shelly Fagin:

Shelly is Credit Karma’s Director of Growth Marketing and SEO. A lover of the web since 1994, she has been developing websites since 2000, and she has been performing search engine optimization since 2005. Her daily challenges and constant learnings in the SEO industry keep her on her toes. She is a versatile marketer who is continually exploring new technologies and expanding her knowledge.

Connect with Shelly on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shellyfagin/
Visit: https://shellyfagin.com/
Follow her on Twitter: https://twitter.com/shellyfagin

Connect with Loren Baker, Founder of Search Engine Journal:
Follow him on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/lorenbaker
Connect with him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorenbaker


Should you use breadcrumbs?

Yes! They’re helpful for users and for SEO, but you must make sure that you have a good website structure.

Is WordPress as secure as other enterprise CMS solutions?

Yes, Shelly Fagin says it’s important to choose third-party plugins wisely, but she shared some tips in the video on what to look for in a WordPress plugin.

How important is Schema?

Schema isn’t as complicated as it looks. Shelly says the rich SERP features you can get with schema are worth it. They show off your content and the best features of your website, products, services, and brand.

Do SEO professionals really need to learn WordPress?

Absolutely. Many of the skills you learn while learning WordPress translate across to other CMS systems and websites.

Category SEJ Show WordPress
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