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Yahoo! & Future of Search Marketing- FOOA Presentation

The Future of Online Advertising conference was held last week. If I had to summarize the information given by 11 speakers, I’d have to write about 10 pages. So, instead I’ll begin with my first summary on Ron Belanger’s (VP, Agency Development of Yahoo!) presentation.

The future of search marketing is in understanding the consumer 2.0. What does this mean? As the internet has changed to become what it is today, 2.0, so is the consumer.

Web 2.0: Collaborate & Share = Consumer 2.0

What do we know about the 2.0 consumer?

  1. Overwhelmed & Overworked
  2. Addicted to Leisure
  3. Information Junkies

Social media and other web 2.0 websites (comments, user profiles, and community oriented websites) have had a strong impact on users since the 2.0 consumer is very into the “sense” of community. Ron gave a great example when he stated how almost all of us belong or have belonged to groups in our lives such as religious groups (i.e. church), sports community (i.e.little leagues)…you get the point.

He went on to say online communities are based on passion points. If your community has to do with something the user is passionate about, they will engage.

Search was touched on a bit and I will share with you what I thought were the most interesting stats found by Yahoo!:

  • 79% of search introduced brands to people who never heard of them
  • 61% expect leading brands to be in the top 10 results (relates trust in your brand to user)
  • 56% looked at a site they didn’t intend to see because it was in the top 10 results.

If you’re an online marketer or own your own website, basically the same rule applies as it has always, KNOW YOUR USER. The difference now, the user is changing as is the internet. Go with the tide…engage your user.

Category SEO
Pablo Palatnik

Pablo Palatnik is the author of the blog PalatnikFactor, focusing on all things Online Marketing and Search Engine Optimization specialist ...