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Yahoo Highlights Breaking News on SERPs

Yahoo has introduced a minor change in the way it treats its search engine results page. This change has something to do with queries relating to breaking news. To give users the most fresh and recent search result, Yahoo Search is now displaying News Direct Display on the more relevant position on the SERPs of the keywords search related to the news articles. Likewise, Yahoo said it is now more able to detect queries that are newsworthy hence enabling its search engine to deliver the freshest news direct display than before.

The display of News Direct Display would depend on the relevancy of the news items to the search query.  Exactly how Yahoo is able to detect when to display news direct display on the highest position of the SERP and when to position it lower than other search results, remains a mystery though that only the Yahoo search algorithm can explain.

Anyway, this might be pretty useful for some, especially those who conducts search to find results that are as fresh as today’s headlines are in the news dailies. Although, it is a bit of a redundancy since one can always search for relevant news regarding a topic on Yahoo’s News portal. But there might be some Yahoo users who prefers to find the information their need under one SERPs regardless of what type of information they are.

To see how this new Yahoo Search feature works, try search for Christian Bale. The first few results will list down the most recent news articles about Christian Bale, followed by the more traditional and usual references.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...