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Yahoo is Rolling Out Rich Ads in Search

Yahoo is Rolling Out Rich Ads in Search

Yahoo is set to announced its newest search ads enhancement called Rich Ads in Search.   And by “Rich” it means Yahoo is integrating images and video into its paid listings program.  This means companies who have paid search advertising accounts with  can now utilize banner and video ads for their advertising units on Yahoo search results.

Rich Ads in Yahoo Search will give advertiser more options for displaying their ad units with the ultimate objective of improving click-through-rates of their paid search ads.


Now this may not be enough for Yahoo to catch up that easily with the paid search market shareo of  Google but it is certainly a move in the right direction. This is especially true today due to the economic recession which have also affected advertisers who have turned to search ads in place of  the tradional box and banner ads which are not targetted for a particular search campaign. In fact search ads data in January indicated that search revenue has increased as compared to display ads revenue.

Yahoo Rich Ads in Search is currently being tested by some big companies who have existing paid listing deal with Yahoo. These companies include Pepsi, Pedigree and home depot.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...