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Yahoo Lowers Its Expectations

Yahoo Lowers Its Expectations

From eWeek in probably one of the most unfortunately-titled stories I’ve come across lately – “Yahoo Lowers Expectations for Original Content.” Apparently Yahoo is wanting to make REALLY sure that everyone knows that they’re just not gonna even try anymore; at least when it comes to its upcoming entertainment offerings and providing original content vs. aggregated content. Here’s the first of the standards-dropping-warnings/advisories from the article:

“Web media company Yahoo wants to lower expectations for how much original programming it will produce as part of its online information and entertainment offerings, the company said on Thursday.”

and the next one:

“I think they may just be trying to ratchet the expectations down,” Forrester Research analyst Josh Bernoff said of Yahoo’s plans.”

and there’s more:

“The New York Times cited Braun saying that Yahoo would embark on only a handful of new ventures this year, not the dozens he had promised, and that his early expectations for what he could do at Yahoo had been overly grand.”

and another one:

“”It is not easy to figure out what you do here. Nobody knows the right way to do it,” Bernoff said.

Nothing says “use another search portal for entertainment **cough cough** Google **cough cough**” like “ratchet the expectations down”, does it? I love me some Yahoo and I’ve been using it since forever and I usually really like what they come out with, but geez, guys. This is pushing it. What’s next; a press release that says “we’re just not going to even compete with Google anymore”…oh, wait.

Wendy Boswell is the Editor of About.com’s Websearch and also blogs at Uncover The Internet.

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Wendy Boswell is the Editor for About Web Search and part of the New York Times Company.