Yahoo Search Marketing has upgraded is expected to upgrade their ad ranking system from an auction bidding model to their Marketplace Design system today by 3pm PST.
The new ranking system takes into account much more than keyword bid prices only :
- Advertiser clickthru history
- Expected click thru rates
- An advertisement’s Quality Index to rank ads based upon bids & quality
- Bid or Click Price
- Historical click-through data
- Whether the query word/phrase appears in the title
- Keyword in URL
- Landing Page Quality
- Possibly other Keyphrases in Campaign
- Comparison between other sites advertising for keyterm or industry segment
Yahoo Search Marketing’s new ranking model will focus on advertiser quality, relevancy, bid price and performance instead of the current bidding only placement system.
As a result of the new Yahoo Search Marketing ‘Panama’, Yahoo feels that they will still be able to provide relevant search results for users, which adding more value to their advertising base.
More information on the Yahoo Search Marketing ‘Marketplace Design’ and quality index ranking system from Page Zero Media’s Mona Elesseily at Search Engine Land.