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YouTube Launches Political Vlog

There’s no doubt that political videos have become a popular campaign media for political figures. MySpace has its own MySpace Impact which has become an avenue for U.S. presidentiables to strut out their campaign machineries. And now, YouTube with the influx of political videos in its portal launches its own political channel – Citizentube.

Citenzentube which is edited by  YouTube’s political  editor Steve Groove aims to aggregate the political videos already appearing in YouTube.  And with Citizentube, politicians and the voting public are free to be seen and heard. Politicians can showcase their propaganda and platform and  the voting public can create their own video criticizing or praising political figures.

Let’s see how popular this channel could get. Would YouTube users even bother to watch political videos? Would those videos impact the voting preferences of legal voters? But more importantly, would YouTube videos enough to win an election.

That we will have to see. In the meantime check out some available political videos at citizentube. There are quite a lot of interesting videos  already.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...