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YPN Serving WiFi Ads in Denver Airport

YPN Serving WiFi Ads in Denver Airport

I’m sitting in the Denver International Airport right now waiting for my 3:00 pm (15:00) connection to San Jose for the Search Engine Strategies Conference / Convention and after logging into their AT&T Wi-Fi Service (which runs $7.95 for 24 hours usage) noticed something a bit different in the Yahoo Publisher Network ads being served at Search Engine Journal.

The YPN ads are surprisingly for Secure Wi-Fi Services! I’m not the most tech savvy person in the world but I’m assuming that this is because I’m going through the secure AT&T Wi-Fi Router, Proxy or System and somehow YPN is associating my browser with this system.

Is anyone else seeing these Wi-Fi ads on SEJ?

After surfing to some other sites which run YPN ads, like Shoemoney, I’m seeing that their ads are targeting just fine.

Now this makes the serving of the Wi-Fi ads even more bizarre since I have not written about Wi-Fi since covering GigaOM’s Mountain View GoogleFi earlier in the week (until now).

Perhaps it’s just a coincidence but since SEJ is the first site I visited after clicking off of the AT&T start page somehow YPN figures I must be looking for new Wi-Fi carriers.

Category SEO
SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...